Download the wooly caterpillar
Download the wooly caterpillar

I picked it up, and it instantly curled into my warm hand. I’ve been looking for signs that another change of seasons is upon us and wondering whether winter will be cold and snowy, wet and warm, or a combination of whatever winter may bring? The other morning, while heading to the barn for chores, a folklore winter season predictor literally crossed my path, or rather crawled along on its belly in front of me.Ī woolly bear caterpillar, wrapped in a warm fuzzy cloak of black and rusty-brown bands was making good time through the grass, minding its own business and steadfast in its search for winter quarters. To date, we’ve had nice weekend weather and only one mildly frosty morning, which did little damage to the remnant plants in the vegetable garden.

download the wooly caterpillar download the wooly caterpillar

The red maples are shimmering scarlet, and green hickory leaves are slowly giving way to yellow shades hidden within.

download the wooly caterpillar

At this writing, the trees appear to be in peak color, with most of our large sugar maples sporting bright yellow and orange coats with splashes of red. By all accounts, October has been a spectacular year for foliage.

Download the wooly caterpillar